Stockholm International ForumForum On The HolocaustCombating IntoleranceTruth, Justice and ReconciliationPreventing Genocide
You are here: 2000 / Workshops, Panels and Seminars / Workshops on Remembrance and Representation

Countries and organizations

Conference documentation

Conference programme


Workshops on Remembrance and Representation

Workshop 1 on Remembrance, "It Happened There: The Existence and Meaning of Historical Locations"
Workshop 2 on Remembrance, "The Role of Museums: Achieving a Balance between Documentation and Remembrance"
Workshop 3 on Remembrance, "Art and other Media in Holocaust Education and Remembrance"
Workshop 4 on Remembrance, "Remembering the Holocaust: The Public Perception of Remembrance"
Workshop 5 on Remembrance, "Testimony in Remembrance"

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Opening Session: Messages and speeches

Plenary Sessions: Messages and speeches

Workshops, Panels and Seminars

Closing Session and Declaration

Other Activities

For information about this production and the Stockholm International Forum Conference Series please go to or contact Information Rosenbad, SE-103 33 Stockholm, Sweden